Diving distress signal receiver ENOS

ENOS Electronic Distress Beacon Rescue and Locator System for Scuba Diving
ENOS Electronic Distress Beacon Rescue and Locator System for Scuba Diving
ENOS Electronic Distress Beacon Rescue and Locator System for Scuba Diving
ENOS Electronic Distress Beacon Rescue and Locator System for Scuba Diving
ENOS Electronic Distress Beacon Rescue and Locator System for Scuba Diving
ENOS Electronic Distress Beacon Rescue and Locator System for Scuba Diving

Dive without fear of drifting with ENOS, the electronic rescue and location system for divers. The receiver on the dive boat autonomously ensures the safety of divers equipped with beacons. In the face of strong currents that may lead divers offshore, the ENOS receiver provides a quick and effective location by instantly obtaining the geolocated position of the distressed diver.

In order to determine the optimal configuration for your ENOS system, please use the contact form by clicking on the link below and describe your specific integration needs as well as the type of boat.


Autonomous Diver Location System

Dive with confidence using ENOS, the ultimate diver rescue system. Designed to quickly identify and manage emergency situations, ENOS offers a secure and unforgettable diving experience.

  • Resist strong currents and dangerous situations with ENOS
  • Trigger an alarm on the assistance vessel
  • Precise surface location of divers
  • Device with extended autonomy
  • Capability to handle multiple alerts simultaneously
  • Autonomous communication system

Be ready to face all the challenges of your underwater explorations. From dive boats to the depths of the oceans, discover how GPS-supported ENOS units adapt to all your aquatic activities.

The ENOS System consists of 2 GPS-supported units

  • The ENOS receiver on the dive boat
  • The ENOS beacons worn by divers

The ENOS Receiver

According to the dive center's needs, the ENOS receiver is available in several versions:

  • Fixed installation, control screen permanently installed at the command post with a remote antenna
  • Mobile device in a waterproof Pelican case for easy transport. This option is particularly suitable for semi-rigid boats.

The ENOS Beacon

The ENOS beacon is extremely lightweight, weighing only 160 grams. It is resistant up to 100 meters deep, and its case offers various options for attaching the beacon to diving equipment. Easy to handle, even in stressful situations: for the manual version, simply turn the switch to activate the beacon. Learn more about the beacon

Surface dangerous situations

Lost in Currents

Despite precautions, strong currents can surprise divers. ENOS, the electronic location and rescue system, provides a crucial solution for dangerous surface situations.

ENOS Receiver on the dive boat

Rescue and Location System

Comprising the ENOS receiver on the dive boat and the ENOS beacons worn by divers, the system ensures precise location in case of emergency.

Operating Principle of the ENOS System

  1. The ENOS receiver is placed on the dive boat. Its GPS position [A] is determined through GPS satellites.
  2. Once on the surface, divers activate their ENOS beacons, which relay a first alert to the ENOS receiver on the boat. The crew is immediately informed of the emergency situation. The ENOS beacon then automatically determines its GPS position [B].
  3. Once the ENOS beacon has assessed its GPS position [B], it automatically transmits the data to the ENOS receiver via an autonomous radio frequency (UHF).

Using its own GPS position [A] and the received GPS position [B] of the beacon, the ENOS receiver then determines the exact distance and direction between the boat and the distressed diver.

This data is displayed clearly and simply on the ENOS receiver screen.

ENOS Receiver uses GPS satellites


The ENOS receiver on the dive boat uses GPS satellites to determine its position. When an ENOS beacon is activated by a diver, it automatically transmits its position to the receiver via an autonomous radio frequency.

Boat crew alert

Imminent Location

ENOS immediately alerts the dive boat crew in case of emergency, clearly displaying the position of the distressed diver on the receiver screen.

ENOS Autonomous System for Fast and Reliable Rescue

Once activated, the ENOS beacon relays a first alert on the boat to quickly inform the crew about divers in distress:

  • A high-frequency alarm is audible
  • A red window appears on the screen

This alarm message box remains active until its reception by the crew is confirmed.

When the ENOS receiver receives GPS data from the ENOS beacon, it transcribes them on its screen with a graphically simple representation:

  • The cross at the center of the circle represents the boat's position.
  • The arrow at the top of the circle indicates the boat's heading.

Numbers 1 and 2 in the circle show the positions of divers relative to the boat's position.

The circle's radius adjusts automatically based on the farthest emergency signal.

Depending on the receiver's radio antenna height, the ENOS system's reception area extends up to 5.6 NM/approximately 10 km.

Data on the right of the graphical representation (circle) indicate all essential rescue operation information:

  • The number of distress calls received
  • The time elapsed since the first call
  • The distance
  • The divers' positions
  • The date, local time, position data, boat speed, and heading are displayed in the upper right corner of the screen
  • The battery symbol indicates the battery's charge status
  • The broken green bars indicate the number of received GPS satellite signals, with one bar per satellite

Depending on ambient light conditions, the contrast colors of the display screen can be adjusted according to the user's needs. Based on local lighting conditions, the screen colors can be individually adjusted: Blue / White or Black / White or White / Black

Even in stressful situations, the ENOS receiver screen clearly shows the position of the drifting diver in a very understandable way.

Receiver display of direction and distance

Exceptional Performance

The ENOS receiver graphically displays the boat's position, direction, and distance from the diver. Power management ensures superior autonomy.

Diver rescue with ENOS

Fast and Comprehensive Alerts

ENOS relays a first alert to the dive boat upon beacon activation, ensuring an immediate response from the crew. Essential rescue data is clearly displayed, including distance, diver positions, date, and local time.

Brand : SEAREQ
Reference : 1501-1

Data sheet

Feature Specification
Type of use Nautical activities and water and underwater activities.
Warranty 2 years